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Inspiring Cinematic Motivational Trailer by Joel Loopez

This musical work is very stunning, and it builds to an unforgettable orchestral climax. Motivating, inspiring, inspiring hope, and powerful all at the same time. Acoustic piano, orchestral percussion, strings, flutes, brass instruments, electric guitars, and much more instruments are featured in it.
160.0 BPM
Easy Listening, piano music
percussions, piano, electrical guitar, strings, orchestra
dramatic, exciting, exciting, happy, happy, peppy, positive, sentimental
Ad commercials, adventure / epic, background music, documentation, drama, games, Hollywood / Blockbuster, landscape / nature, lifestyle, score, show / entertainment, Trailer, laser show / light show, Agriculture / Farm / Country life, Environment / Sustainability / Energy transition, Magic Show / Magic, audio books / radio plays
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