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Playful Comedy Jazz Folk by Husky Productions

Playful, quirky, acoustic Jazz/Folk track recorded with live clarinets, acoustic guitar and percussion with elements of Jazz, Balkan, Jewish and Gypsy folk. Very cinematic, perfect for comedies, fun YouTube videos, as background music for advertising, travel and adventure movies, TV shows, TV series, corporate parties, kids and pets videos
96.0 BPM
acoustic, Ethno / World Music, Jazz
acoustic guitar, percussions, clarinet
carefree, funny, funny, happy, humorous, lively, positive, peppy, fiery, deceitful
circus, comedy, cooking / cooking videos / recipes, countries / regions, documentation, score, show / entertainment, Social Media, vacation / travel, Animals / Funny animal videos, audio books / radio plays, audio books / radio plays, Magic Show / Magic, Outtakes / Bloopers, Podcast
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