- Royalty free sound effect pack
Guns Sound Effects from Sound Ideas offers a varied selection of pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns and automatic weapons of many different calibers. Choose royalty free sound effects for more than 60 different guns, rocket launchers and hand grenades. This library includes North American and European models, vintage black powder guns, World War I and modern weapons, and full size military munitions plus more than 700 Foley gun sounds. All of the WAV files have been embedded with improved metadata that is fully cross referenced for detailed and accurate searches in your asset management software. This is the complete package – Guns Sound Effects.
Sound Effects included: Gun sound effects of more than 60 different models European & North American guns Vintage guns Weapons of war Foley gun sounds included
Features of Gun Sound Effects Library: 2,000 royalty free sound effects Provided as either 16/44.1 broadcast WAV files on a DVD ROM and 3 Audio CDs Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 broadcast wav files All files fully embedded with extensive metadata
Mastering Engineer: Paul Hatanaka
Recording Engineers: Frédéric Dubois, Charles Maynes, Paul Hatanaka
CD Artwork By: Lauren Maloney