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Our products
For videos and projects

Music for videos, podcasts and other media projects

On audiocrowd you will find high-quality music for your videos, image films, podcasts and other media projects. Use our search to quickly find the right music for your project. If you need only a few titles, the single purchase is right for you. If you need more music, we recommend our music subscription.

Sound effects for videos, podcasts and other media projects

On audiocrowd you will find high-quality sound packages and individual sound effects for your videos, image films, podcasts and other media projects. Use our search to quickly find the right sound effects for your project.

For commercial premises and events

Music packages for events and shows

Download the right background music for your event. Browse our music packages and save the GEMA fees. Our music packages are each 2h long and after licensing you will not incur any further costs.

Instore radio: Background music for retail stores

We put together the right playlists for your store and save you half of the GEMA fees on the side. With our in-store radio, you always have the latest music and can conveniently play out your own announcements and advertising offers in your store.

For telephone systems / voice productions

Telephone announcements and waiting loops

We produce an individual telephone greeting for you with our team of speakers and provide the appropriate music. So that your company presents itself in the best light with every call.

Professional voice actors for your projects

You need the right voice for your video or project? You will find what you are looking for in our speaker pool. Whether it's a simple telephone announcement or a multilingual commercial. Our speakers look forward to working with you.

You can buy royalty-free music of many different musical genres on audiocrowd. Whether for ad commercials, business music, music on hold, youtube videos, corporate movies or background music for your holiday videos: find great royalty free music for your topic. Legally safe and easy. We offer you a transparent pricing model and an attractive flat rate for royalty free music for agencies and power users.